Monday, January 31, 2011

Bella's 2nd Bday Celebration (January 23rd,2011)

My baby, our little pink caboose, turned 2 on January 23rd.  I remember her at the hospital, so little (well maybe not that little at 9lbs 3 ozs) and sweet.  She has grown into a beautiful little girl and I am so proud to call her my daughter.  Not that my life was not complete without her, but she is just sheer joy to have around.  I get to do all of the "girlie" things I have not done before!  She loves to have her toes painted and sits there so patiently while I paint them.  She told me yesterday that she had "princess toes" adorable!  She happens to be into the princess thing as well.  She got a lot of dress up stuff for her birthday and loves to parade around the house all dressed up with her shopping cart...just like her mommy goes to the store (yeah right).  She absolutely adores her "purse" and literally carries it everywhere.  She has fallen asleep in her purple tutu many times in the past couple of months.  She is a total girlie girl and I could not be more thrilled about it!  She has brought lots of happiness and smiles to our house and I am sure she will continue to do so as she grows!  Happy Birthday baby!

We went to Chuck E Cheese with friends Catherine and her two girls, Lily and Mary Addie and everyone had a blast!

Mommy's 34th Bday (almost a month late...again)

Oh my can another month have flown by already???  Seriously, where does the time go?  We had a wonderful, wintry January with lots of birthday celebrations.  I split up the postings so everyone did not get overwhelmed with the photos! We went to Moe's (yes, I know it sounds exciting) for my 34th bday dinner.  The kids actually behaved great, I think it is because they knew they were getting cake when they got home! We had a nice celebration and the boys helped me open my presents.  Time really does fly...I can not believe that I am 34 (I can believe it when I look in the mirror :) ).  My family is my biggest accomplishment, although I do not give them enough credit sometimes.  I would not be the person I am at 34 without them!  I am proud to be a working mom, grad student, wife, and daughter and I hope I get to continue doing all that I am doing for a long time to come!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas 2010

Christmas came and went in a flash this year.  My parents and brother came to our house on Christmas Eve and left the Sunday after Christmas.  It was awesome to have everybody at the house but I think I scared my brother into another 10 years without kids!  The kids and I came down with strep throat on the 23rd and 24th and Noma was diagnosed once she arrived back in Charlotte on Sunday.  We felt kind of lousy, but tried not to let it get in the way of all the fun Christmas celebration.  I definitely did not indulge like I wanted to (it's ok b/c I have made up for it this week)!  Santa brought the boys a Wii that they adore.  It did not get taken away until three days after Christmas, so I guess we are off to a good start??  Bella got a shopping cart, and a cradle and high chair for her baby dolls and it is so cute to watch her be a little mommy (it warms her mommies heart)!  Max also got a ton of legos...and has turned into somewhat of a lego king (I promise to get a picture up soon of his "lego city".  The kids belief in "Christmas magic" made the day that much more special!  All in all it was a great success and we all had fun!

the boys had to wake Bella up on Christmas morning...she was not happy!

Bella was not at all interested in posing for the annual stair picture!

Bella was using the Wii remotes as telephones...such a smart little girl! the of the day Bella was "playing" Wii right along with the boys!